Welcome To
Conejo Valley Republican Women

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Message from our President

“The Stormy March has come at last, with winds and clouds and changing skies; I hear the rushing of the blast that through the stormy valley flies.”
-William C. Bryant

I was looking for a quote for the March newsletter and came across this one by William C. Bryant. Bryant was a very accomplished individual who started his career as a lawyer, but showed an interest in poetry early in his life. He was born in Cummington, MA in 1794. He became editor for two major newspapers. The New York Evening Post and The New York Post. Bryant was liberal in his views as a young man, but soon changed his views and was one of the founders of the Republican Party. He convinced Abraham Lincoln to run for office. He was a patriot in every sense of the word. When he died in 1878, he left an indelible legacy on New York City. Bryant Park being one of them as well as being an advocate for the building of Central Park.

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discounts to our events and other pertinent Republican building and educating activities, please join our club. CVRW membership cost is $45 per year.

Our Club Meetings

Subject to change based on location availability.
Meetings feature a Guest Speaker and are either a catered luncheon or dinner.
Price for current members $25.
Price for non-members and guests $30.
If you would like to reserve your seat, please click here.